'Girls Gone Wild' Case

The company That Makes "Girls Gone Wild" DVDs is seeking behavior to overturn a verdict Awarding Nearly $ 6 million to a St. Louis-area woman claims her bare breasts Who Were Recorded without permission.St. Louis Circuit Judge John Garvey last month sided with her in Tamara Favazza Against Mantra Films Inc. follows. and MRA Holdings LLC, Awarding her $ 5.77 million. She was a 20-year-old college student in 2005 When Someone Lifted her tank top DURING a party at a St. Louis bar, Exposing her breasts. Another person filmed it. She later discovered the recording WAS hand of the "Girls Gone Wild Sorority Orgy" DVD series. 

Jeffrey Medler, an attorney for Favazza, Said ET will "vigorously oppose" any attempt to overturn the ruling.Several messages left with David Dalton, the last listed attorney for Mantra Films and MRA Holdings Were Not Returned. Phone calls to Mantra Films' office in California Went unanswered. "Girls Gone Wild" videos and DVDs, featuring young women on camera Exposing Themselves, Have made a fortune for founder Joe Francis. Targeted goal ET has-been with Dozens of lawsuits from women Who Said They Were Upset at Being Filmed. Originally named Francis WAS in Favazza's goal WAS follows Dismissed from the box in 2009.The video Was Made at a bar then Known As the Rum Jungle near the St. Louis riverfront. Earlier short Testimony Indicated That woman was acting as a contractor for "Girls Gone Wild" Pulled down Favazza's shirt at the shoulder strap, Exposing her breasts.

 Favazza, now a 26-year-old wife and mother, Claimed That She Became only aware of her appearance in the video When a friend of her husband Pointed it out. She sued soon After learning video.Three She Was In The Months After a jury sided with "Girls Gone Wild" in 2010, the judge'm his box, John J. Riley, Ordered a new trial, ruling the verdict That Did not Reflect the weight of evidence. He Wrote That It Was clear in the video Favazza That Was an "Unwilling participant," saying she is seen mouthing the word "no" as is Pulled down her shirt. 

 Purpose attorneys for Mantra Films and MRA Holdings at the first trial Said That signs posted at the bar Explained how the video box Took used.The Would Be Another twist in January When Dalton withdrew as counsel. When the judge on Feb Heard the box. 17, Favazza's attorneys presented Their box, goal There Was no representative for Mantra Films Gold MRA Holdings.In Asking for the jugement To Be set aside, Dalton Wrote That the Defendants "reasonably and rightfully Believed They Were still Represented by counsel and That the question WAS Being Defended. "

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